From this area, you can download Giuseppe Desirò Srl general information, communication releases, the general catalog, technical data sheets, and other documents, in PDF format.
The general terms of sale, excluding any exception or changes accepted in writing, are applied to the supply of equipment produced and/or sold by Giuseppe Desirò S.r.l. Any different contract terms or conditions that may be introduced, annexed to an order, subsequently referred to, added or modified by the Purchaser will have no value whatsoever, if not expressly and specifically accepted in writing by Giuseppe Desirò Srl.
We remind all visitors that it is necessary from 15 October 2021, pursuant to the DPCM 17 June 2021, art. 13, to enter the company, the obligation to show the GREEN PASS.
Instructions are provided in the following PDF document:
This Code of Ethics governs the activities of Giuseppe Desirò Srl. In the execution of its business activities, in addition to complying with laws and regulations currently in force, the Company strives for high ethical standards in its daily business and work activities. Such standards , and the underlying principles, are set forth in the Code of Ethics.
(Available soon)