The Rating 1 certification of our economic and financial management system guarantees the high reliability of our company, providing a sense of dependability and stability for our partners and suppliers.
Our qualified staff, all excellently trained, guarantees specific, high-end solutions for our customers. We apply high standards as regards machine functionality and processing standards, in order to further consolidate our current position as quality market leader for the sealing industry.
The Rating 1 Certification is an extremely valuable acknowledgment, issued only and exclusively to companies that constantly maintain high levels of economical and financial reliability, and promptness in making payments.
The Cribis D&B Rating is a synthetic indicator, assigned and monitored daily, based on a close analysis of over 1500 parameters, including: payment experiences, in-depth analysis of the last 5 years of financial statements, presence of negative information, age of the company, sector and data trends, etc.
The Rating 1 is the maximum reachable level of reliability.
The companies that have a Rating 1 Certification are accredited and constitute a guaranty in terms of dependability, for all their partners: banks, financial institutions, factoring companies, insurance companies, suppliers, customers. To date, only 5.96% of active Italian companies have this same Rating.